The button below will allow you to register as new parishioners of St. Veronica Parish or allows you to update our database to current information.
We ask for this information so that we can communicate in a timely manner to all parishioners. Please know that your personal information is not shared to anyone outside of St. Veronica Parish.
You will need to create a new user profile. Once you sign up as a new user, you will receive an email to finish the process. This email will take 1-2 days to generate.

To Register as a new user:
- Click on the button above to register or update your account.
- Click on “new user”.
- Scroll and select organization in drop down menu: St. Veronica Parish. Fill out your information to proceed and click submit.
An email will be sent to you in 1-2 days that will give you information about how to sign-in to your account and check your information.