From Conception to Natural Death
In St. John Paul II’s Gospel of Life, he identifies 4 conditions where life is most vulnerable and needs our protection from termination.
- The created person yet unborn. Abortion
- The person so despondent that he or she wants to end their life. Suicide and Assisted Suicide
- The person judged by society as having forfeited their right to life. The Death Penalty
- The physically or mentally infirm, aged, terminally ill, or those unable to care for themselves although still capable of living without the need of extreme measures to sustain life. Euthanasia
St. Veronica and IJP school are within walking distance to an abortion clinic, making this our ministry’s 1st priority. With Aid for Women Pregnancy Care Center nearby and the resources of the USCCB’s Walking with Moms in Need, we have a unique opportunity to help young women accept the gift of new life. Please consider being part of this crucial and rewarding ministry.

Join Us in Respect for Life!
Contact: Dave Brady … dbrady108@comcast.net
Rich Mantoan … mantoan214@gmail.com