Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Mt 28:19
The Communications Ministry mission is one of evangelization and is dedicated to helping our ministries and parishioners to deliver the ‘Good News’ to our parish and the wider community. Communications Ministry works to help bring people closer to Christ. The ministry handles graphic, written, and electronic communication for our community, with the help of several parishioners who are gifted in writing, design, photography, and articulating ideas.
This ministry is committed to:
- Web and Social Media
The first focus of the ministry is maintaining and updating the Parish website, as well as the different social media accounts the Parish holds, such as Facebook
- Parish Bulletin
The Parish bulletin constitutes a part of the ministry. The bulletin’s regular publication informs and aids the entire community of St. Veronica.
Bl. Carlo Acutis (Patron Saint of IT), pray for us!