The Saint Veronica Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps neighbors in need living in Flossmoor, Matteson, Olympia Fields, Park Forest, and Richton Park and the immediate area. Parishioners have opened their hearts and wallets to share with the less fortunate in our community. If you know of someone in need, you may invite them to call 708-799-5400 x350 and leave a message on our voicemail. You can also ask about opportunities for joining the Conference or helping in other ways by leaving a voicemail message at that number as well.
The St. Veronica Conference of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul is part of a worldwide organization of Catholic lay persons whose ministry is service to the less fortunate in their communities. Founded in Paris in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam and his fellow Parisian students who were challenged to show what Christianity had to offer the world, the Society chose St. Vincent dePaul as patron saint because of his life of service to the poor. Vincentians strive to grow in faith by sharing God’s love with each other and with those in need of spiritual and material comfort. Because “no work of charity is foreign to the Society” in accordance with the Rule of the Society, Vincentians invite and rely on parish and community participation in food pantry donations, bundle drives of clothing and household items, and monetary contributions which provide direct assistance for basic human needs. Membership in the Society is open to all who wish to grow in faith through service to those in need and fellowship with others who seek to imitate Christ’s love for others.